20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (2024)


Passover is celebrated every year, and new recipes or perhaps a twist in the traditional ones are made during these years. As the list of recipes expands, the potential for flavor combinations also widens.

Different preferences translate to differences in favorites, but it’s important to note that there’s always unity during a meal with your loved ones. Here are 20 Passover chicken recipes you can try.

1.Silver Palate Chicken Marbella

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (1)

This classic baked chicken dish stars on special occasions, especially around Passover. Seamlessly combining flavors and textures for an unforgettable meal, it’s effortless to make and can be prepped in advance!

Juicy and moist with minimal steps needed – just marinate then bake away – this recipe will never fail you. You can always reinvigorate your leftovers with a splash of flavor by pouring poon over some of the reserved juice.

2. Spicy Orange Chicken

Spice up your dinner with an all-natural blast of flavor! This easy and healthy spicy orange chicken is an excellent crispy addition to any grain.

Even first-time chefs can follow this step-by-step recipe for juicy, mouthwatering results that will make the meal come alive. This recipe is all homemade, including the sauce– you will make some thick delicious sauce that isn’t store-bought so ditch store-bought sauces and go natural.

3.Passover Chicken Schnitzel

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (2)

Make your Passover meal unforgettable with this crunchy, golden Chicken Schnitzel. Bathed in a blend of flavorful spices and matzo meal, you’ll be delighted by every bite.

The crunch of the exterior layer is an excellent combination with the soft interior and the side dishes on the table. Perhaps an extra golden crispy crunch is what you need to complete your meal.

4. Matzo Ball Recipe

This light, fluffy matzo ball recipe is not just a Passover meal completer but also something you can enjoy regularly or as much as you like! This recipe shares helpful tips to achieve the ideal matzo ball many love.

Overall, it’s a combination of good flavors that hugs your mouth. You can also spice up your matzo balls by adding meat or some extra vegetables in the center.

5.Lemony Chicken Sauté for Passover

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (3)

This quick and easy recipe balances the meaty goodness of the chicken and the zesty lemon juice, plus the flavorful spices.

This succulent chicken combines zesty lemon and fragrant onion, guaranteed to delight your taste buds. This dish also offers a great aroma–mainly from the onions and the lemon zest! It’s a refreshing meal that does not feel too heavy to handle.

6. Chicken and Potatoes

While chicken and potatoes can sound a bit boring and bland, this recipe elevates the dish and removes the common notion of this combination. Enjoy a delicious twist on the traditional with this delectable Chicken cuisine!

Savory roasted potatoes and toasted farfel are here to bring your Passover meal together. Dig in and savor every bite of comforting goodness.

7.Kosher Tangy Baked Chicken Recipe

This tangy, flavorful, and bright dish will be a great addition to your Passover meal. Transform your Passover dining experience with this delicious and economical marinade recipe.

This unique blend of ingredients can be tailored to suit any dietary needs, making it a perfect addition to any dish. The spices used in this meal work perfectly together, creating an aromatic and delicious experience.

8. Kosher Honey Chicken Recipe

This Kosher dish is something that’s both delicious and easy to make. It’s a great meal to surprise your friends and family with this holiday season.

Whether for a festive gathering or a stylish dinner, you can bring sophistication and flavor to the table – all in one easy recipe. Although you’d think that a dish like this would be hard to make, well… you got it wrong as this recipe is easy to follow.

9.Chicken Marsala

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (5)

Treat your family and friends to something exceptional this Passover! This Quick and Easy Chicken Marsala is both kosher and gluten-free, so it fits people with strict diets too.

The ingredients are easy to find and are incredibly easy to put together, too– less than an hour, and you have an amazing main course that will leave a good impression.

10. Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is one of the most comforting dishes there is– a popular opinion shared by many people all over the world.

You will find out that this classic chicken soup recipe is not so typical at all because of its excellent taste. This recipe uses a variety of fresh vegetables with different textures, some soft and some crunchy– the perfect combination of tender chicken and warm, savory soup.

11.Passover Roasted Chicken

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (6)

Transform your Passover feast with this rich, golden, and savory roast chicken, with an exquisite mix of dried apricots and toasted pecans blended into a matzo stuffing.

It might just be the star of the table. The ingredients needed for this dish are easy to find, and the steps are easy to follow. Not only is this roasted chicken soft and delicious, but it’s also healthy.

12. Matzo Fried Chicken

Who doesn’t love a good fried chicken? This recipe provides the crunch that would entertain not only the children but also the adults! The breading is one of the essential components in fried chicken, and this recipe delivers a foolproof one, sure to work with any chicken part.

The combination of spices elevates the chicken’s natural taste taking you on a journey. Crunchy, meaty, savory, and overall warm to the bite, this fried chicken recipe is set to be one of the favorites on the table.

13.Honey Roasted Chicken

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (7)

Home chefs, rejoice! Whether a cooking novice or an experienced cook, this honey-roasted chicken recipe will satisfy the whole family and loved ones.

With just a few easy steps—you’ll be on your way to preparing delicious meals for special occasions like Passover or during everyday dining alike. Spice up your Passover dinner with this simple yet versatile recipe. It can easily be customized for various tastes and occasions throughout the year.

14. One Pot Chicken and Veggies

This one-pot recipe is best for those who want an easy but delicious meal. With a good combination of spices in the sauce and vegetables like carrots, onions, and potatoes in one pan, this dish proves to be one of the easiest.

You can also add other vegetables if you want to. Whether you are in a hurry or have time to spare, this recipe is perfect.

15.Seder Wine Chicken

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (8)

Yes, if you’ve ever wondered whether the wine and chicken combination works, it does. This recipe is one of those dishes you won’t get enough of once you get a taste.

The ingredients used for the sauce are a match made in heaven. The tomato sauce, wine, soy sauce, and honey provide a balanced combination of flavors that are beautifully incorporated into every bite of the meat.

16. Matzo Crusted Chicken Cutlet

Here’s another way to serve crunch on the Passover table. This recipe is golden, crunchy, and perfect for eating anytime, especially during Passover meals.

This recipe not only delivers crunch, but the breading is also well-seasoned, so it’s not bland. With a squeeze of lemon and your desired drink, this cuisine becomes a zesty, crunchy, and savory experience that brightens your dining experience.

17.Cochin Coriander-Cumin Chicken for

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (9)

You might want to try this recipe out if you like curry. This recipe is warm, and it just feels like home. With rich spices and a rich sauce, pairing it with rice is just the perfect way to go. Spice up your table with Indian flavors that will surely mesmerize your taste buds.

18. Tzimmes

Perhaps, tzimmes is one of the favorite side dishes during Passover meals. This warm and comforting pot of vegetables and root crops brings out the best of other dishes during the meal. Whether roasted chicken, fried chicken, curry chicken, or many more, tzimmes is a great complement, adding to a filling meal.

19.Honey Horseradish Roasted Chicken

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (10)

Roasted meat is always in danger of being cooked for too long and too much, so it’s also a concern for chicken. This recipe offers a good roasted chicken with great flavors and soft, flavorful meat.

With the proper technique, avoiding dry and flaky chicken meat is always possible. This dish is stuffed and garnished, ensuring that the flavors hug the chicken tightly and are evident in every bite.

20.Passover Chicken with Lemon and Cinnamon

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (11)

Experience the mouthwatering delight of a flavorful marriage between lemon juice, cinnamon, and garlic! Crispy chicken coated in an egg-and-matzo meal mix creates a texture party that beautifully contrasts each other.

Simultaneously, the flavor profile is sure to have a shot at stealing the night’s attention. It’s fried chicken with a twist you won’t be able to resist.

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (12)

20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes

These 20 Passover chicken recipes are one cooking away from being the star of the dining table. Whether you want something crunchy, soft, or a combination of both, there are many choices. If you are more of a soup-loving person, this list has something for you to try and cook for the Passover meal too.



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  • Prep a Passover Chicken Recipe in 30 minutes or less!

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20 Best Passover Chicken Recipes (2024)
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