23 Fall Idioms: The Meanings of Autumn Season Idioms • 7ESL (2024)

Last updated on June 4, 2024 by Jim Manheim

Idioms are phrases that have a figurative meaning separate from the literal meaning of the words they are composed of. They are an integral part of the English language, often reflecting cultural traditions and values. Fall idioms, specifically, are an interesting subset of these expressions because they revolve around the themes and experiences characteristic of the autumn season. As leaves change color and the weather grows cooler, these idiomatic expressions add color and depth to everyday language, encapsulating the essence of fall.

What Are Fall Idioms?

Fall idioms are expressions in the English language that are associated with the autumn season. These idioms often reference the characteristics of fall, such as cooler temperatures, falling leaves, and harvest time. They can enrich conversation with seasonal imagery and are frequently used to describe situations metaphorically.

23 Fall Idioms: The Meanings of Autumn Season Idioms • 7ESL (1)Pin

Examples of Fall Idioms:

  • “Turn over a new leaf”:This idiom means to start anew or to change behavior for the better, akin to how trees shed old leaves and grow new ones.
  • “Harvest time”:Often used figuratively, it refers to the time when one reaps the benefits of earlier work, much like farmers harvest crops in the fall.

These idioms serve as a testament to how the natural changes in the season can inspire language and communication. They are not only important for everyday conversation but also play a significant role in literature and poetry, where the nuances of seasonal change are often explored. Each idiom carries with it cultural significance and paints vivid imagery, which is characteristic of the English language’s rich tapestry of expressions.

List of Fall Idioms

IdiomsMeaning and Example Sentence
Fall on deaf earsTo be ignored or disregarded.

Example: His warnings about the project fell ondeaf earsas no one took him seriously.

Turn over a new leafTo make a fresh start or change for the better.

Example: After getting out of rehab, he decided to turn over a newleafand focus on his health.

Autumn yearsThe later years of life, typically referring to old age.

Example:In herautumn years, she enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren.

Harvest moonThe full moon that occurs nearest to the autumnal equinox.

Example:Theharvest moonlit up the night sky as the farmers worked late into the evening.

Fall from graceTo lose status or respect.

Example:After the scandal, the politician’s reputation took afall from grace.

Autumnal equinoxThe time when the sun crosses the celestial equator, making day and night of equal length.

Example:Theautumnal equinoxmarks the official start of fall.

Rake in the moneyTo earn a large amount of money.

Example:The new product launch helped the companyrake in the money.

In the pumpkin patchTo be in a difficult or challenging situation.

Example:After losing her job, she felt like she wasin the pumpkin patch.

Fall through the cracksTo be overlooked or neglected.

Example:The important details seemed tofall through the cracksduring the hectic project.

Autumnal colorsThe warm, earthy hues associated with fall foliage.

Example:Theautumnal colorsof the leaves painted a beautiful scene in the forest.

Turn a new pageTo start anew or move on from past experiences.

Example:After the breakup, she was ready toturn a new pagein her life.

Fall into placeTo become organized or arranged in a satisfactory way.

Example: After much planning, everything started to fall into placefor the event.

Autumn of lifeThe later stage of life, often associated with retirement.

Example:In theautumn of life, many people enjoy pursuing hobbies and spending time with family.

Fall flatTo fail or be unsuccessful.

Example:The comedian’s jokesfell flatwith the unresponsive audience.

Reap what you sowTo face the consequences of your actions.

Example:He cheated during the exam and now he’s failing the class; truly, youreap what you sow.

Fall back onTo rely on something as a backup plan.

Example:If my business idea doesn’t work out, I can alwaysfall back onmy degree in finance.

Leaf throughTo flip through the pages of a book casually.

Example:Sheleafed throughthe magazine while waiting for her appointment.

Fall for something hook, line, and sinkerTo be completely deceived or tricked by something.

Example:Hefell forthe prankhook, line, and sinker.

Shed like a tree in fallTo lose or get rid of something in large quantities.

Example:The companyshed employees like a tree in fallduring the restructuring.

Fall by the waysideTo fail to continue or be forgotten.

Example:Many New Year’s resolutionsfall by the waysideby the time February comes.

Nip in the airA chill in the air that indicates the onset of fall.

Example:There’s a distinctnip in the airthat lets you know autumn has arrived.

Fall head over heelsTo fall deeply in love.

Example:Shefell head over heelsfor her new classmate.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the treeChildren tend to be similar to their parents.

Example:You’re just as stubborn as your father; theapple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Fall Idioms in Different Contexts

Fall on Deaf Ears

The idiom “fall on deaf ears” is used to describe a situation where a message, request, warning, or piece of advice is ignored or not taken into consideration by the audience or the person it’s directed at. It implies that the recipient is either unwilling or unable to heed what is being said.

  1. Advice Ignored:
    • Situation: A parent advises their teenager not to drive too fast, but the teenager doesn’t listen.
    • Example: “I warned him about speeding, but my words fell on deaf ears.”
  2. Warnings Disregarded:
    • Situation: An employee is warned about the consequences of missing deadlines, but continues to submit work late.
    • Example: “The manager’s warnings about missed deadlines fell on deaf ears, and the project was delayed again.”
  3. Requests Overlooked:
    • Situation: A neighborhood petition for more streetlights is ignored by the local council.
    • Example: “Despite the strong support for the petition, the residents’ requests fell on deaf ears at the council meeting.”

Turn Over a New Leaf

The idiom “turn over a new leaf” means to start anew, to change one’s behavior or attitude for the better, or to begin a new chapter in life with a fresh approach. It often implies a conscious decision to make positive changes.

  1. Personal Habits:
    • Situation: Someone decides to start eating healthier and exercising after years of unhealthy living.
    • Example: “After his health scare, he decided to turn over a new leaf and take better care of himself.”
  2. Work or Career:
    • Situation: An employee who has been underperforming resolves to improve their work ethic.
    • Example: “She was nearly fired for missing deadlines, but she’s turned over a new leaf and is now one of our best workers.”
  3. Relationships:
    • Situation: Someone who has been neglectful in a relationship decides to become more attentive and caring.
    • Example: “He realized he wasn’t putting enough effort into their relationship, so he turned over a new leaf and started to communicate better.”

Autumn Years

The idiom “autumn years” refers to the later years of a person’s life, often associated with retirement age and beyond. It is a metaphorical term that compares the life cycle to the seasons of the year, with autumn representing the gradual winding down that precedes the winter of one’s life.

  1. Retirement Planning:
    • Situation: An individual is making plans for their life after retiring from their career.
    • Example: “Now that John is approaching his autumn years, he’s started to invest more in his retirement fund to ensure he can enjoy his leisure time.”
  2. Reflecting on Life Achievements:
    • Situation: An older person is looking back on their past accomplishments and experiences.
    • Example: “As she entered her autumn years, Mrs. Smith often reminisced about her travels around the world and the books she had written.”
  3. Pursuing Lifelong Dreams:
    • Situation: A person decides to pursue interests or hobbies that they put off during their working years.
    • Example: “With the arrival of his autumn years, he finally had the time to dedicate to painting, something he had always been passionate about but never had the time for.”

Harvest Moon

The term “harvest moon” refers to the full moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox, which typically falls around late September or early October in the Northern Hemisphere. This full moon has historically been significant for farmers who relied on its bright light to extend the workday beyond sunset during the peak of the annual harvest season. The extra light was particularly useful before the advent of modern electric lighting.

  1. Agricultural Reference:
    • Situation: Farmers discuss the best time to gather crops in the fall.
    • Example: “We’ll need to schedule extra help for the week of the harvest moon to ensure we get all the corn picked on time.”
  2. Cultural Celebrations:
    • Situation: Communities or cultures observe traditional festivals or holidays that coincide with the harvest moon.
    • Example: “The Harvest Moon Festival will feature a night market and a lantern parade under the bright light of the harvest moon.”
  3. Romantic or Artistic Inspiration:
    • Situation: The harvest moon often serves as a symbol or muse in literature, music, and art due to its beauty and cultural significance.
    • Example: “The couple took a walk under the harvest moon, its amber glow adding a touch of romance to their evening stroll.”

Fall From Grace

The phrase “fall from grace” is used to describe a situation where an individual, group, or entity loses respect, status, or favor, often as a result of wrongdoing, failure, or a significant mistake. It implies a decline from a previously esteemed position to one of disgrace or dishonor.

  1. Professional Downfall:
    • Situation: A high-ranking executive is caught embezzling funds from their company.
    • Example: “After the scandal, the once-revered CEO experienced a dramatic fall from grace, resulting in his termination and legal prosecution.”
  2. Political Scandal:
    • Situation: A politician is discovered to have been involved in corrupt activities, leading to a loss of public trust and support.
    • Example: “The revelation of the governor’s involvement in the bribery scheme led to a swift fall from grace and her resignation from office.”
  3. Celebrity Misconduct:
    • Situation: A famous actor is exposed for engaging in behavior that is widely deemed unacceptable, damaging their reputation and career.
    • Example: “Following the controversy, the actor’s fall from grace was evident as he lost endorsem*nt deals and was dropped from upcoming film projects.”

Find more insights:

  • Nature Idioms
  • Plants and Flowers Idioms
  • Weather Idioms
  • Geographical Idioms
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Jim Manheim

Jim Manheim is a highly skilled writer, editor, and teacher from Michigan, with a wealth of experience and expertise in the English language, including slang and idioms. He is widely recognized as a word geek and a music enthusiast, as well as a grammar and writing expert, with a passion for language that shines through in his work.

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23 Fall Idioms: The Meanings of Autumn Season Idioms • 7ESL (2024)
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