How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (2024)

Collecting data has never been easier. Whether you need to get feedback from your customers, collect inventory data from your colleagues, or even quiz your students, Google Forms is a great option. Within minutes, you can create the form, send it out, and wait for the responses to be automatically saved to Google Sheets.

In this article, you will learn how about the different question types available, as well as how to build and configure your Form, share it with others, and monitor the responses.

If you want a more advanced and customizable form builder, Sheetgo Forms might be the better choice for you. Sheetgo is an all-in-one data management platform that allows you to create powerful custom workflows to automate entire processes, from data collection to data visualization and reporting. Unlike other form builders, Sheetgo Forms are based on your spreadsheets, making that the place where you configure the fields and their respective functions.

In addition, Sheetgo provides a range of integrations with other tools and services, including BigQuery, Excel, Google Sheets, Google Docs, and Gmail. Instantly turn your spreadsheet data into custom forms to automate data input within your workflows. Automatically transfer the data collected through Sheetgo Forms to your preferred spreadsheet formats, including Excel and Google Sheets.

Google Forms Question Types

There are so many options in Forms that you’ll be tempted to ask questions just because you can. Remember to focus on identifying which information you actually need, as well as which question type will be the most suitable.

Open Questions

Both “short answer” and “paragraph” allow respondents to type in their answers directly within the allotted character limit. However, unless you need respondents to type in more than 2500 words - approximately 12800 characters - “short answer” will be plenty.

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How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Open Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

The default option is the traditional multiple choice question. The dropdown question is very similar, but the options are displayed as a list. Checkbox questions allow the respondent to select multiple options.

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How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Multiple Choice Questions

Scales and Grids

If you need to use scales, like agreement or importance, you have a few options. The “linear scale” question allows you to choose the number of points on that scale, as well as the end values.

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How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Scale Questions

However, if you need respondents to evaluate multiple items on the same scale, you may want to consider using a multiple-choice grid instead.

The checkbox grid is similar, but it allows respondents to choose multiple options in the same row. This makes it unsuitable for scales but useful for “choose all that apply” questions.

Date/Time Questions

If you need respondents to provide a date or a time, using these question types will ensure a consistent format and avoid typos.

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How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Date Questions

File Upload

Using this option, you can collect data in any file format. The first time you add a “File upload” question to your form, you will see a message asking you to allow uploads to your Drive.

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How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - File Upload Permission

You can restrict the type of file that users can upload by selecting one or more of the checkboxes. You can also limit the number of files allowed, as well as the maximum file size.

By default, there is a 1GB limit to the total size of files uploaded to a form, but you can increase this up to 1TB by clicking on “Change” (see screenshot).

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How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - File Upload Options

How To Use Google Sheets As A Database

Find out if you can use Google Sheets as a database, why you would and how to use Google Sheets as a database in our complete guide.


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How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data?

Now that you know the question types available in Forms, it’s time to create your first Form. It’s always a good idea to prepare the questions in a separate document to make sure you get the wording and the sequencing right.

Create the Form

If you’re not already signed in, choose the google account you want to use.

  1. 1. Go to Google Forms and click on “Blank” to create a new form.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (8)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - New Form

  1. 2. By default, forms are created with only one section containing one multiple choice question.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (9)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Blank Form

  1. 3. To customize the theme, click on the paint palette icon: the first icon on the top-right corner of the screen. You can select the fonts, font sizes, and font and background colors.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (10)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Customize Theme

  1. 4. Remember to add a title and a description, as shown below.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (11)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Add Title and Description

  1. 5. If you want your Form to be a quiz, go to “Settings” and click on “Make this a quiz” to configure it.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (12)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Quiz Settings

Add Questions and Sections

If your form is going to have multiple sections, you should create those first to avoid confusion.

To add a question, simply click on the plus sign on the right sidebar. On that same sidebar, from top to bottom, you can also click to import questions from another form, add text, images, audio/video, and new sections.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (13)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Add Question

By default, a multiple choice question will be added below the question currently selected. Click on the dropdown to change the question type.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (14)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Change Question Type

Along the bottom of the question box, you have various options. You can duplicate the question, delete it, or make it a “Required question.” Additionally, if you click on the three vertical dots, you will see more options.

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How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Question Options

You can add a description to provide further instructions, as well as shuffle the order in which the options are presented to respondents. This last option is more useful in quiz settings, as it complicates cheating.

Perhaps the most interesting option is “Go to section based on answer”, which allows you to filter respondents to different sections.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (16)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Go to Section Based on Answer

Configure Settings and Preview Form

Before you send out your Form, it’s a good idea to check the settings and preview it. The preview function allows you to spot errors that you might not notice in editing mode, such as having linked the sections in the wrong order.

Click on the “Settings” tab on the right, at the top of the Form.

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How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Settings

The “Responses” dropdown in “Settings” allows you to control access to the Form and limit responses.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (18)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Response Settings

The “Presentation” dropdown in “Settings” allows you to control features related to how the form appears to users.

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How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Presentation Settings

To preview the form and test it, click on the eye icon on the top right of the page.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (20)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Preview Form

Send Form

Click “Send” on the top-right corner of the page to see the pop-up shown below.

Use the first tab to share the Form via email. By default, the email will include a link to the form, but you can tick the box that says “include form in email” to embed it.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (21)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Send Email

The second tab allows you to copy a direct link to fill out the form.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (22)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Form Link

The third tab provides you with the HTML code needed to embed the link wherever you want.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (23)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Embed Link

Monitor Responses

You can always check on your responses live by clicking on the “Responses” tab.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (24)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Monitor Responses

There are three different ways to view responses within forms. In the “Summary” tab, you’ll see a summary of the responses to each question. In the “Questions” tab, you can view all the responses for a single question and easily switch between questions. The “Individual” tab allows you to view responses by respondent/form.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (25)

Linking Google Sheets: How to Reference Another Sheet?

Sometimes you have to reference or merge data from multiple sheets or spreadsheets. Here's how to easily link multiple Google Sheets


Where does Google Forms Store the Data it Collects?

By clicking on the Google Sheets icon, you can select the response destination. After that, the icon will take you directly to the responses.

  1. 1. Alternatively, click on the “Responses” tab, then on the three vertical dots shown below.

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How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Responses Tab

  1. 2. Click on the second option, “Select response destination.”

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (27)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Responses Options

  1. 3. Choose whether to create a new spreadsheet or select an existing one.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (28)

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data - Select Response Destination

When to use Sheetgo Forms

While Google Forms is flexible and easy-to-use, it’s not the most appropriate tool for all use cases. Forms have to be created manually, as there is no possibility of automating form creation based on your spreadsheets. Additionally, there is no built-in support for QR codes or barcode scanners. Sheetgo Forms, on the other hand, provides additional features and benefits that make it ideal for spreadsheet users.

With Sheetgo Forms, you can:

  • Automate form creation

  • Use data validation

  • Connect to multiple spreadsheets

  • Enhance data privacy

  • Create universally accessible forms

  • Automate workflows

  • Use barcodes to facilitate data input


As you have seen, Google Forms are very easy to use and extremely flexible. You can create anything from a quick poll between friends to a complex multi-path survey. It’s up to you to decide who can respond to your Form, as well as where the responses are stored.

By now, you know about the different types of questions available in Google Forms. You also know how to build a Form, share it, and choose where to store the responses. All you need to do is think about the data you want and whom you want to collect it from.

You also know that while Google Forms is great for some use cases, if you need a customizable solution with advanced automation features, Sheetgo Forms may be the best choice for you. Sign up to Sheetgo for free and take the pain out of data collection.

As an expert in data collection and management, it's evident that the article provides a comprehensive guide to using Google Forms efficiently. The article covers various concepts related to Google Forms, including different question types, form creation, customization, sharing, monitoring responses, and integration with other tools. Let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Google Forms Question Types:

    • Open Questions: The article discusses the "short answer" and "paragraph" question types, emphasizing the character limit and their appropriateness for different scenarios.
    • Multiple Choice Questions: It covers traditional multiple choice questions, dropdown questions, and checkbox questions, highlighting the versatility in gathering responses.
    • Scales and Grids: The article explains the use of linear scales for agreement or importance and introduces multiple-choice grids for evaluating multiple items on the same scale.
  2. Date/Time Questions:

    • The article mentions the use of date and time question types to ensure a consistent format and avoid typos in responses.
  3. File Upload:

    • It provides information on using the "File upload" question type, specifying how to allow uploads to Google Drive, restrict file types, and set limits on file size.
  4. How to Use Google Sheets As A Database:

    • The article hints at using Google Sheets as a database and directs readers to a complete guide on the topic, suggesting further exploration of this aspect.
  5. Form Creation:

    • Steps for creating a new form, customizing the theme, adding a title and description, and configuring settings for quizzes are detailed.
  6. Adding Questions and Sections:

    • The article explains how to add questions, create sections, change question types, and use various options like duplicating questions, making questions required, and shuffling options.
  7. Configuring Settings and Previewing Form:

    • Details on checking and configuring form settings, previewing the form, and testing it before sending it out are provided.
  8. Sending Form:

    • The article covers different ways to share the form, including via email, providing a direct link, or embedding it using HTML code.
  9. Monitoring Responses:

    • The article guides users on how to monitor responses, view summaries, individual responses, and control access to the form through response settings.
  10. Linking Google Sheets:

    • Brief information is given on linking Google Sheets, specifically on referencing or merging data from multiple sheets.
  11. Where does Google Forms Store the Data it Collects?:

    • The article explains how to select the response destination in Google Sheets and where the collected data is stored.
  12. When to use Sheetgo Forms:

    • The article introduces Sheetgo Forms as a more advanced and customizable form builder integrated with spreadsheets, emphasizing features like automation, data validation, and QR code support.
  13. Conclusion:

    • The conclusion summarizes the flexibility and ease of use of Google Forms, highlighting its suitability for various use cases. It also suggests Sheetgo Forms as a preferred choice for users seeking advanced automation features and customization.

In conclusion, the article offers a thorough guide for both beginners and experienced users, covering a wide range of topics related to Google Forms and providing valuable insights into enhancing data collection processes.

How to Use Google Forms to Collect Data | Layer Blog (2024)


Can I use Google Forms to collect data? ›

A Google Form gives you a great way to gather responses from people. From a one-question form to a long multi-section quiz, a Google Form eliminates the need to decipher and tally responses on sheets of paper. A form also serves as an elegant alternative to asking a group of people questions in email.

How to collect responses in Google Forms? ›

Collect emails manually
  1. Open a form in Google Forms.
  2. At the top, click Settings.
  3. Next to “Responses,” click the Down arrow .
  4. Under "Collect email addresses," select Responder input.

How to get a lot of responses on Google Forms? ›

Never ever start your form with a long form answer. I recommend that you start with something very, very basic such as name, email address, or maybe a very simple multiple choice such as a two or three option multiple choice question.

Can I use Google Forms like a database? ›

Google Forms can be used as a data source through the Google Forms AppSheet add-on, which automatically converts a Google Form to an AppSheet app.

How do I pull data from Google Forms? ›

Import data from Forms
  1. In Forms, open the form with the data you want to import.
  2. At the top, click Responses.
  3. Click More. Select response destination.
  4. Create a new spreadsheet or select an existing one.
  5. Click Create or Select.

How to create a form for data collection? ›

5 tips: Making effective data collection forms
  1. Better variable names. As a form is designed, the variable names that are assigned to each question will end up formatting your data dictionary. ...
  2. Keep forms short. ...
  3. Automated survey invitations. ...
  4. Use skip logic. ...
  5. Use validation rules for responses.

How do I extract answers from Google Forms? ›

Navigate to the Responses tab and click the Google Sheets icon in the top right corner. This will open a spreadsheet of all of your collected answers.

How to use Google Sheets to collect data? ›

I want to connect it to a new Google Sheet where I can further analyze the data to create a final report.
  1. Create a new form. Open or access the tool via Google Apps in Chrome. ...
  2. Add questions. Now, it's time to add your questions. ...
  3. Add sections. ...
  4. Choose where to save form responses. ...
  5. Send to user.

How do I make Google Forms more interactive? ›

Another way to make an interactive form is by turning it into a quiz. The quickest way to create a new quiz in Google Forms is by going to If you want to turn an existing form into a quiz, click Settings, and then click the toggle next to Make this a quiz.

How to automate Google Form responses? ›

Webhook Wizardry: Unlock Endless Automation Possibilities
  1. Step 2: Select Google Forms as your first app and Webhook as the second one.
  2. Step 3: Next, simply select your trigger and action. ...
  3. Step 4: Follow the prompts to set up your webhook URL.
  4. Step 5: Securely connect your Google Forms account with Integrately.
May 23, 2023

How many responses can a Google Form accept? ›

Responses. The limit does not exist when it comes to the number of responses you can receive in Google Forms—or at least there isn't an official limit set by Google. SurveyMonkey's free (Basic) plan caps the number of responses you can view at 40.

How do you use Google Forms effectively? ›

How to use Google Forms
  1. Step 1: Set up a new form or quiz. Go to ...
  2. Step 2: Edit and format a form or quiz. You can add, edit, or format text, images, or videos in a form. ...
  3. Step 3: Send your form for people to fill out. When you are ready, you can send your form to others and collect their responses.

Is Google Blogger good for blogging? ›

Conclusion. Blogger is a quality blogging solution that makes it easy to quickly set up a blog, create posts and publish content. Its user dashboard is intuitive and includes everything users need to build and manage their blog, such as performance stats and earnings.

Can creators edit responses in Google Forms? ›

Can I edit responses in Google Forms after participants have submitted their answers? Yes, responses can be edited in Google Sheets, the connected spreadsheet, even after submission.

Can Google Forms collect files? ›

Create a "File upload" question in Google Forms

To upload files, respondents will need to be logged into their Google at IU accounts. Files uploaded by respondents are stored in your Google at IU My Drive.

Can you track data in Google Forms? ›

See how people are using your forms by monitoring their traffic with Google Analytics. You can track data from all your forms, or track an individual form on its own. To use Google Analytics, you need a Google account.

What is the main purpose of Google Forms is to collect information? ›

Google Forms is a free online survey tool that allows users to create surveys and collect responses. Survey responses can be collected via email or exported to a spreadsheet for further analysis. Google Forms can be used to collect customer feedback, measure employee satisfaction, or gather data for market research.

How to use Google Forms to collect contact information? ›

Just follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your Google account.
  2. Open a new Google Form.
  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. Expand the Responses section and toggle on the Collect email addresses option.
  5. Navigate to the Responses tab.
  6. Click on the spreadsheet icon to collect email addresses and store them in a Google Sheet.
May 17, 2024

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.