Unraid Connect Help | Unraid Docs (2024)


  1. Navigate to the Apps tab, then search for and install Unraid Connect
  2. In the top right corner of your Unraid server, click the Unraid logo and then Sign In. Follow theprompts to sign in with your Unraid.net credentials, or create a newaccount.Unraid Connect Help | Unraid Docs (1)
  3. Register Your Server with Unraid Connect by following thepromptsUnraid Connect Help | Unraid Docs (2)
  4. Visit the Unraid Connect Dashboard (see below)

Unraid Connect Dashboard

Sign in to the Unraid Connect Dashboard at https://connect.myunraid.netfor a comprehensive overview of your Unraid server's online/offline status,available storage, license type, uptime, Unraid OS version, and more.

If you have multiple servers, you will see each one listed in theleft-side pane and a tile for each server.Unraid Connect Help | Unraid Docs (3)

From here, you can get more details about each server by clicking onDetails.

Manage Your Server From Within the Connect UI

Servers equipped with a myunraid.net certificate can be managed directlyfrom within the Connect web UI.

You can even manage multiple servers from your phone, tablet, laptop, orPC in the same browser window.

To install a myunraid.net certificate, head to the Settings →Management Access page of the Unraid WebGUI and click Provision inthe Certificate section, if applicable.

A note regarding DNS Rebinding Protection

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If you see thismessage after clicking the Provision button, click OK, trywaiting 2-5 minutes, then click Provision again. If that doesn'twork, keep reading.

Many routers have a security feature known as DNS Rebinding Protection.This feature prevents public DNS entries from pointing to local IPaddresses on your network. Unfortunately, this feature prevents usfrom providing proper SSL access when connecting to the WebGUI locally.As such, users must either disable this feature on their router or settheir router to allow DNS rebinding for the myunraid.net domain (if thecertificate was provisioned in Unraid 6.10) or unraid.net domain (if thecertificate was provisioned in 6.9) Depending on your router, how thisfeature is described and whether or not it is available to configure mayvary. In addition, once you have DNS rebinding disabled on your router,when you go to provision your certificate, you may still see the DNSrebinding error message the first time. This is due to the time it takesfor DNS records to propagate once provisioned.

How to access your server when DNS is down

Once you enable local SSL per the instructions above, you will accessyour server through a Fully Qualified Domain Name:

https://ip.yourpersonalhash.myunraid.net orhttps://ip.yourpersonalhash.myunraid.net:<https_port> (if your httpsport is not the default of 443)

This is required in order to utilize a fully valid SSL certificate. Adownside is if you temporarily lose Internet access and your browser hasnot cached the DNS for yourpersonalhash.unraid.net, you will be unableto access the WebGUI.

If the Internet goes down and you lose access to DNS, do the following:

  • If Use SSL/TLS is set to Yes, then you can access your serverusing: https://[servername].[localTLD] or https://servername.[localTLD]:<https_port> (if your https port is not the default of 443)
  • If that doesn't work, or if Use SSL/TLS is set to Strict, thenusing telnet, SSH or local keyboard/monitor log in to the server andtype: use_ssl no
  • Now you will be able to access your server's WebGUI via:http://<ip_address> (note: http not https) orhttp://<server_ip>:<http_port> (if your http port isnot the default of 80)
  • When the Internet comes back, navigate to Settings → ManagementAccess and set Use SSL/TLS back to Strict to re-enable localSSL.

How to disable SSL for local access

(If you currently cannot access the WebGUI, scroll up to the previoustopic.) If you decide you would rather not use the securehttps://ip.yourpersonalhash.myunraid.net url for local access, you candisable SSL. There is no need to uninstall the Unraid Connect plugin, infact that will have no effect on SSL as this is a core feature of Unraidand not the plugin.

Navigate to Settings → Management Access, set Use SSL/TLS toNo and hit Apply. This will also disable the Remote Access feature at the same time.

Server Deep Linking

Deep linking allows you to manage relevant sections of the Unraid WebGUIin one click. Click any of the circled link buttons to take you right tothe relevant page in the Unraid WebGUI:

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Set custom server tiles how you like and automatically display yourserver's banner image on your Connect Dashboard.

Under Server Details, there is a hamburger button on each tile for eastdrag and drop arranging.

To toggle between dark and light mode, click the Sun or Moon icon in thefar right of the Connect UI.

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License Management

Manage your license keys at any time via the My Keys section. You caneven upgrade right from the Connect UI.

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Language Localization

Unraid OS has a global user base so be sure to enjoy Unraid Connect inEnglish, German, French, Spanish or Chinese!

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Signing Out

In the event that you wish to sign out of the Unraid Connect program onyour system, you can do so from the Settings → Management Access →Unraid Connect → Account Status and click the Sign Out button.

NOTE: Signed-out servers will still be displayed on the UnraidConnect Dashboard, but you will only be able to download theirregistration key(s).

Uninstalling the plugin

Note: if your goal is to change your url fromhttps://yourpersonalhash.unraid.net back to http://computername, seeHow to disable SSL for local access.Uninstalling the plugin will have no effect on your url!

Uninstalling the plugin will automatically:

  • Deactivate and delete the backup files from your flash drive.In time, the files will automatically be removed from our cloud serversonce we recognize the backups are abandoned.To proactively delete them, you can Disable Flash Backupbefore uninstalling the plugin.
  • Disable Remote Access. Pleaseremember to disable any port forward that you configured in yourrouter related to this feature.
  • Sign Out from Unraid.net.

Connect Troubleshooting

It should be rare, but if you see any connection error messages in theUPC please open a terminal window and type:


If you have other Unraid Connect Support related questions, please seeour Unraid Connect user forum orcontact us to open a support ticket.

Unraid Connect Help | Unraid Docs (2024)
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