What Are Filler Words, and How Do You Cut Them? (2024)

Fillers words such as um or uh are words, sounds, or phrases people use to “fill in” empty spaces in communication. In speech, they usually indicate the speaker is thinking about what to say next, while in writing they’re often clichés or padding.

In most cases, filler words have a negative effect and reflect poorly on your communication skills. But because they come out unconsciously, they can be hard to, you know, stop.

Below, we discuss the importance of filler words—especially how to avoid them! We provide a filler words list so you know what to look for, and share some expert advice on removing them to improve your communication.

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What are filler words?

Also known as discourse markers, filler words are what we use when we don’t know what else to say. More often than not, they’re unintentional; we use them subconsciously to fill the space or time while we prepare our main message.

Fillers words are most prevalent in speech. When speaking, our brains occasionally need to stall while thinking about what to say next or which words to use. Filler words can also indicate a specific mood or emotion, such as good-natured hesitation before delivering bad news.

The problem with filler words

If filler words are natural and subconscious, why are they so bad? Good communication, both in speech and writing, demands conciseness. Essentially, the fewer words you use, the stronger your words become. When you remove all the unnecessary words, the listener or reader can focus more on the remaining, necessary words.

The problem with filler words is that they’re unnecessary. They don’t add anything to your message; they only distract from your other words. Filler words weigh down a sentence and can add up to throw off the entire paragraph structure.

Like editing a draft, removing the unnecessary filler words strengthens your remaining words, helping you communicate both clearly and succinctly.

Filler words in writing

Filler words also exist in writing, although for different purposes. Filler words in writing are typically clichés writers use when they can’t think of something more accurate or original. At other times, they come out accidentally when a writer struggles to explain something difficult. Then there are filler words for essays, which can be used on purpose to meet the assigned word count.

Filler words in writing are easy to handle because you can edit them out later, unlike in speech. However, don’t be overzealous and remove words that are not filler. For example, transition words and phrases like however and in addtion serve a necessary purpose in writing—they smooth over abrupt changes in topics. Don’t mistake these working words with unnecessary filler words.

For specific advice on how to improve your writing with or without filler words, check out our writing guide for more tips.

Filler words list

To help you identify filler words in your own speech and writing, here’s a filler word list of the most common ones.

um, uh, oh, er, ah

These are the basic filler words—or filler sounds—that people use when speaking. Aside from filling in time while we prepare our next words, the only other purpose they serve is to show reluctance or hesitation.

very, really, highly

The adverbs of intensity, very, really, and highly are often mistakenly used in situations where they don’t add anything. Save them for the times when you really need them.


One of the most notorious filler words, like is common in speech when the speaker prepares their next words. Don’t confuse like as a filler word in its usage in comparisons or for showing a fondness for something.


Just is not always a filler word; it can show a recent action or act as a synonym for merely. However, just can easily be overused; try rewriting the sentence without it and see if the meaning changes.

you know, you see, right

You know, you see, and right are useful at the end of a statement to invite a response from the listener, but in most other instances they are unnecessary.

I mean, I guess, I suppose

Beginning sentences with I mean, I guess, or I suppose is hedging language, words that soften or undermine the statement. These filler words come across as too passive, as if the speaker or writer is unsure. Confident communication is better.

totally, literally, seriously

Totally, literally, and seriously each have practical meanings when used properly, but they’re often misused as filler words. Unless you’re using them with their dictionary definitions, try to avoid them.

How to avoid filler words

If you want to write better sentences or speak more confidently, you have to learn how to avoid filler words. Here are some quick tips.

Test the sentence without the filler words

How do you know if you’re using words correctly or as filler words? Try the sentence without the filler words and see if the meaning changes.

I just got out of the shower.

I got out of the shower.

Without just, we don’t know when the event occurred, so the meaning changes. That means just is useful here, so it’s not a filler word.

Could you just send me the file?

Could you send me the file?

Here, without just the meaning does not change. That makes it a filler word, and you can safely remove it.

Speak slowly

If you find yourself using too many filler words when speaking, it could be a sign of social anxiety or glossophobia (fear of public speaking). One remedy is to slow down your speech, both to give you extra time to think and to make the conversation more relaxed.

By consciously slowing down your speech, you’ll have more time to plan the words in your head before speaking them out loud, removing the need for filler words in the first place. You’ll also sound more confident, as speaking quickly is a sign of nervousness and uncertainty.

Embrace the silence

Despite fear of the “awkward silence,” a momentary pause in speech can be a powerful communication tool. A silence at the right time can urge your listener to reflect on your words, adding more significance to what was said last.

If you’re not sure of what to say next, don’t say anything at all. Keep calm and the words will come to you on their own. In the meantime, a small silence is often better than a string of filler words.

Filler words FAQs

What are filler words?

Filler words such as uh or like are words, sounds, or phrases we use to “fill in” the space when we don’t know what to say. Although more common in speech, filler words also exist in writing as “extra” words that don’t add any new information.

How do filler words work?

Filler words are often unintentional; they happen subconsciously as our brains stall for more time to think of what to say. However, they’re almost always unnecessary. Your communication will be clearer and more direct if you avoid using them.

How do you eliminate them?

You can easily eliminate filler words in writing by editing them out, as long as you can identify them (see our filler word list). If you’re having trouble with filler words in speech, try speaking slower to give yourself more time to think, and don’t be afraid of a momentary silence—quiet is better than a string of filler words.

What Are Filler Words, and How Do You Cut Them? (2024)


What Are Filler Words, and How Do You Cut Them? ›

um, uh, oh, er, ah

What are filler words? ›

Filler words are words such as "um," "ah," "hmm," "like," "you know," and "alright" that are used to give the speaker time to think, express uncertainty or make something awkward feel less awkward, or as a verbal tick. Filler words are also known as vocal disfluencies or hesitations.

How do you break filler words? ›

Here are Tips to Help You Stop Overusing Filler Words:
  1. Be Mindful: The first step in overcoming this habit is to be aware of it. ...
  2. Practice Pausing: Instead of using filler words, try to insert a brief pause when you would normally use them. ...
  3. Slow Down: Speaking too quickly can lead to the overuse of filler words.
Sep 6, 2023

How do you reduce filler words in writing? ›

Identifying writing patterns like sentence fillers, taking editing breaks, and being mindful of word slip-ups can reduce wordiness. Tip – Simple sentences are comprehended easier than long, drawn-out sentences. Identify the subject and verb in the sentence, then build off of them!

How to filter out filler words? ›

Slow down: When you think about slowing down your pace of speech, you become more intentional about what you're saying, and you're less likely to use filler words. Embrace silence: A pause is a powerful communication tool. Don't be afraid to take a second to gather your thoughts.

What are filler words and how do you cut them? ›

Fillers words such as um or uh are words, sounds, or phrases people use to “fill in” empty spaces in communication. In speech, they usually indicate the speaker is thinking about what to say next, while in writing they're often clichés or padding.

How to identify filler words? ›

Any word written or said that doesn't add to the meaning of a sentence is technically a filler word. In the previous sentence, removing the word “technically” doesn't change the meaning of the sentence, so “technically” is, itself, technically a filler word.

Why avoid filler words? ›

Filler words are a normal part of conversation, but if they're overused, they can create a barrier to communication that disrupts the message you're trying to share with your audience.

What is the app that removes filler words? ›

ScreenApp makes it easy for you to remove any unnecessary filler words from your videos. Our Filler Remover feature can quickly detect and remove any filler words from your recordings, so that you can get straight to the point without wasting time.

What is an example of a filler sentence? ›

Common filler words and phrases in writing include: Basically: Basically, I couldn't understand anything he said. Seriously: You seriously need to try this program. Just: Can you just try to figure it out?

What is considered filler? ›

Filler is material of lower cost or quality that is used to fill a certain television time slot or physical medium, such as a music album.

How do you cut off words in writing? ›

10 Tricks to Reduce Your Word Count in Academic Writing
  1. Delete "The" You can often omit the word “the” from your text without losing any meaning. ...
  2. Erase “That” ...
  3. Remove Adverbs and Adjectives. ...
  4. Use Shorter Words. ...
  5. Trim Wordy Phrases. ...
  6. Choose Active Voice. ...
  7. Revise Needless Transitions. ...
  8. Eliminate Conjunctions.
Dec 12, 2023

Is silence better than filler words? ›

Often, speakers use fillers because they want to fill what would otherwise be a silence. But in many cases, silence can be used to good effect. For example, a pause can grab an audience's attention, which allows a speaker to emphasize a point.

What is the app that stops using filler words? ›

Become a better speaker with Fillerbuster.

Speak with confidence and reduce your use of filler words when presenting or conversing in everyday life. Fillerbuster is a FREE app that tells you how often you use “um” and “ah.”

Are filler words OK? ›

It's perfectly acceptable and more common than people like to think. Linguists note the fillers serve two major functions — cognitive and interactional. From a visceral lens, the filler phrases help to plug in gaps in speech while a person processes information that is complex or heavy.

Why do our brains use filler words? ›

Repetitive sounds, filler words, and discourse markers are universal and ubiquitous, serving cognitive and interactive functions. Their usage may be unconscious on the part of the speaker, while aiding others in processing and digesting what is being said.

What are examples of filler words in transcription? ›

Filler words: um, uh, kind of, sort of, I mean, you know… Slang words Kinda, gotta, gotcha, betcha, wanna, dunno…

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